================= Example Notebooks ================= There are several `Jupyter Notebooks `_ which focus on different aspects of eniric. Below are the links to their location in github or rendered with `nbveiwer `_. These are: * Atmosphere model (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Compare precisions (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Incremental_precision.ipynb (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Precision_example.ipynb (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Precison_with_doppler-K-band.ipynb (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Precison_with_doppler-Z-band.ipynb (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Effect of spectral gradient (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) * Split_verse_Weighted_masking (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) Misc ^^^^ * Convolution speeds (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) Compares convolution speed between ``eniric`` and `PyAstronomy `_. * Extract paper precisions (`Github `__) (`nbviewer `__) Uses ``tabula`` to extract the published precision values from Appendix 1 of `Figueira et al. (2016)`_. .. _`Figueira et al. (2016)`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201526900