
You can install eniric by cloning the current master branch.

It is recommended to use a conda or virtualenv environment. To use the most up-to-date packages install the pinned requirements from the requirements_dev.txt file

git clone
cd eniric
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python develop

Installation from the github repository should also be possible.

pip install

or for the develop branch

pip install


The requirements for eniric are:

  • astropy
  • joblib>=0.12.3
  • matplotlib
  • multiprocess
  • numpy>=0.15.4
  • pandas
  • pyyaml
  • oyaml
  • scipy
  • Starfish
  • tqdm

There are some specific version requirements given in requirements.txt but the most recent versions are pinned in requirements_dev.txt to install these run

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

from the cloned eniric repository.


Eniric makes use of Starfish’s GridTools module to load the synthetic libraries: PHOENIX-ACES and BT-Settl models.

Starfish is currently going through API changes and not yet available on pypi.

A custom fixed branch of Starfish can be used on both Linux and Windows. Starfish should be automatically installed during the installation of eniric, but if not you can install it with.

pip install

If issues arise regarding Starfish see,

Other requirements required with Starfish are:

  • corner
  • cycler
  • cython
  • emcee
  • h5py
  • kiwisolver
  • pyparsing
  • python-dateutil
  • pyyaml


Eniric has been tested to work on both Linux and Windows.

Eniric Data

There are some data files not included in the eniric repository that are necessary for testing. These can be easily downloaded using the provided scripts.



If you have an issue connecting to dropbox you can also try adding the --no-check-certificate flag.

or on Windows in a PowerShell


This includes an atmospheric transmission spectrum, located at data/atmos/Average_TAPAS_2014.dat, which can be used for spectral masking.


This is to keep the size of the git repository small.


To test eniric is installed try

python -c "import eniric"

To run the test suite run pytest from the root directory of the repository (requires pytest). This will result in an output similar to:

 $ pytest

 ============================= test session starts ==============================
 platform linux -- Python 3.6.7, pytest-4.3.0, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0
 hypothesis profile 'default' -> database=DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase('/home/travis/build/jason-neal/eniric/.hypothesis/examples')
 rootdir: /home/travis/build/jason-neal/eniric, inifile: setup.cfg
 plugins: cov-2.6.1, hypothesis-4.7.17
 collected 718 items


 ======= 610 passed, 84 xfailed, 24 xpassed, 2 warnings in 33.00 seconds ========
The command "pytest" exited with 0.

The requirements for the test suite can be installed from the root of the repository using

$ python install .[test]


A users copied config.yaml file in the repository home directory may interfere with the test results, causing some failures.