Source code for eniric.atmosphere

import warnings
from os.path import join
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as const
from numpy import ndarray

import eniric.io_module as io
from eniric import config
from eniric.broaden import resolution_convolution
from eniric.utilities import band_limits

[docs]class Atmosphere(object): """Atmospheric transmission object. Stores wavelength and atmospheric transmission arrays. Enables telluric masking and accounting for barycentric motion. Attributes ---------- wl: ndarray Wavelength array. transmission: ndarray Atmospheric transmission (between 0 and 1). std: ndarray Standard deviation of transmission. mask: ndarray Transmission mask (1's are kept). shifted: bool Indicate shifted mask. Default is False. verbose: bool Enable verbose. Default is False. Constructors ------------ from_file(atmmodel) Read in atmospheric model and prepare. from_band(band, bary=False) Read in atmospheric model for given band. Methods ------- to_file(fname, header, fmt) Save the atmospheric model to a txt file. at(wave) Return the transmission value at the closest points to wave. wave_select(wl_min, wl_max) Slice Atmosphere between two wavelengths. band_select(band) Slice Atmosphere to a given band. copy() Make a copy of atmosphere object. mask_transmission(depth) Mask the transmission below given depth. e.g. 2% barycenter_broaden(rv, consecutive_test) Sweep telluric mask symmetrically by +/- a velocity. broaden(resolution, *kwargs) Instrument broadening of the atmospheric transmission profile. Configuration ------------- Two things can be set for the Atmosphere class in the `config.yaml` file. The path to the atmosphere data e.g. paths: atmmodel: "path/to/atmmodel/directory" The name for the atmosphere model *.dat file atmmodel: base: "Average_TAPAS_2014" """ def __init__( self, wavelength, transmission, mask=None, std=None, shifted=False, verbose=False, ): assert len(wavelength) == len( transmission ), "Wavelength and transmission do not match length." self.wl = np.asarray(wavelength) self.transmission = np.asarray(transmission) if std is None: self.std = np.zeros_like(wavelength) else: self.std = np.asarray(std) if mask is None: self.mask = np.ones_like(wavelength, dtype=bool) else: self.mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=bool) self.shifted = shifted self.verbose = verbose
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, atmmodel: str): """Read in atmospheric model and prepare. Alternate constructor for Atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmmodel: str Name of atmosphere file. """ wav_atm, flux_atm, std_flux_atm, mask_atm = io.pdread_4col(atmmodel) wav_atm = wav_atm / 1e3 # conversion from nanometers to micrometers mask_atm = np.array(mask_atm, dtype=bool) # We do not use the std from the year atmosphere but need it for compatibility. shifted = True if "_bary" in atmmodel else False return cls( wavelength=wav_atm, transmission=flux_atm, mask=mask_atm, std=std_flux_atm, shifted=shifted, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_band(cls, band: str, bary: bool = False): """Read in atmospheric model for given band. Alternate constructor for Atmosphere. Base on "base" path in config.yaml. Parameters ---------- band: str Name of atmosphere file. bary: bool Barycentric shift the mask. """ extension = "_bary.dat" if bary else ".dat" atmmodel = join( config.pathdir, config.paths["atmmodel"], "{0}_{1}{2}".format(config.atmmodel["base"], band, extension), ) try: # Try find the band file atm = cls.from_file(atmmodel) except IOError: warnings.warn( """Could not find band file for band {0}. It is recommend to create this using ` -b {0}` ` -b {0}` Trying to load main atmosphere file for now. (will be slower).""".format( band ) ) full_model = join( config.pathdir, config.paths["atmmodel"], "{0}.dat".format(config.atmmodel["base"]), ) atm = cls.from_file(full_model) # Shorten to band atm = atm.wave_select(*band_limits(band)) if bary: atm.barycenter_broaden(consecutive_test=True) return atm
[docs] def to_file( self, fname: str, header: Optional[List[str]] = None, fmt: str = "%11.8f" ): """Save the atmospheric model to a txt file. Converts micron back into nanometers to be consistent with from_file(). Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of atmosphere file to save to. header: Header lines to add. fmt: str String formatting """ if header is None: header = ["# atm_wav(nm)", "atm_flux", "atm_std_flux", "atm_mask"] return io.pdwrite_cols( fname, self.wl * 1000, self.transmission, self.std, self.mask.astype(int), header=header, float_format=fmt, )
def __getitem__(self, item): """Index Atmosphere by returning a Atmosphere with indexed components.""" return Atmosphere( wavelength=self.wl[item], transmission=self.transmission[item], mask=self.mask[item], std=self.std[item], )
[docs] def at(self, wave): """Return the transmission value at the closest points to wave. This assumes that the atmosphere model is sampled at a higher rate than the stellar spectra. For instance, the default Tapas model has a sampling if 10 compared to 3. Parameters ---------- wave: ndarray Wavelengths at which to return closest atmosphere values. """ # Getting the wav, flux and mask values from the atm model # that are the closest to the stellar wav values, see # index_atm = np.searchsorted(self.wl, wave) wl_len = len(self.wl) # replace indexes outside the array, at the very end, by the value at the very end # index_atm = [index if(index < len(wav_atm)) else len(wav_atm)-1 for index in index_atm] index_mask = index_atm >= wl_len # find broken indices index_atm[index_mask] = wl_len - 1 # replace with index of end. return self[index_atm]
[docs] def wave_select(self, wl_min, wl_max): """Slice Atmosphere between two wavelengths.""" wl_mask = (self.wl < wl_max) & (self.wl > wl_min) return self[wl_mask]
[docs] def band_select(self, band): """Slice Atmosphere to a given Band.""" wl_min, wl_max = band_limits(band) return self.wave_select(wl_min, wl_max)
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy of atmosphere object.""" return Atmosphere( wavelength=self.wl.copy(), transmission=self.transmission.copy(), mask=self.mask.copy(), std=self.std.copy(), )
[docs] def mask_transmission(self, depth: float = 2.0) -> None: """Mask the transmission below given depth. e.g. 2%. Updates the mask. Parameters ---------- depth: float Telluric line depth percentage to mask out. Default is 2.0. E.g. depth=2 will mask transmission deeper than 2%. """ cutoff = 1 - depth / 100.0 self.mask = self.transmission >= cutoff
[docs] def barycenter_broaden(self, rv: float = 30.0, consecutive_test: bool = False): """Sweep telluric mask symmetrically by +/- a velocity. Updates the objects mask. Parameters ---------- rv: float Velocity to extend masks in km/s. Default is 30 km/s. consecutive_test: bool Checks for 3 consecutive zeros to mask out transmission. Default is False. """ if self.shifted: warnings.warn( "Detected that 'shifted' is already True. " "Check that you want to rv extend the masks again." ) rv_mps = rv * 1e3 # Convert from km/s into m/s shift_amplitudes = self.wl * rv_mps / const.c.value # Operate element wise blue_shifts = self.wl - shift_amplitudes red_shifts = self.wl + shift_amplitudes bary_mask = [] for (blue_wl, red_wl, mask) in zip(blue_shifts, red_shifts, self.mask): if mask == 0: this_mask_value = False else: # np.searchsorted is faster then the boolean masking wavelength range # It returns index locations to put the min/max doppler-shifted values slice_limits = np.searchsorted(self.wl, [blue_wl, red_wl]) slice_limits = [ index if (index < len(self.wl)) else len(self.wl) - 1 for index in slice_limits ] # Fix searchsorted end index mask_slice = self.mask[slice_limits[0] : slice_limits[1]] if consecutive_test: # Mask value False if 3 or more consecutive zeros in slice. len_consec_zeros = consecutive_truths(~mask_slice) if np.all( ~mask_slice ): # All pixels of slice is zeros (shouldn't get here) this_mask_value = False elif np.max(len_consec_zeros) >= 3: this_mask_value = False else: this_mask_value = True if np.sum(~mask_slice) > 3: if self.verbose: print( ( "There were {0}/{1} zeros in this " "barycentric shift but None were 3 consecutive!" ).format(np.sum(~mask_slice), len(mask_slice)) ) else: this_mask_value = np.bool( np.product(mask_slice) ) # Any 0s will make it 0 # Checks if not this_mask_value: assert np.any(~mask_slice) else: if not consecutive_test: assert np.all(mask_slice) bary_mask.append(this_mask_value) self.mask = np.asarray(bary_mask, dtype=np.bool) self.shifted = True
[docs] def broaden(self, resolution: float, fwhm_lim: float = 5, num_procs=None): """Instrument broadening of the atmospheric transmission profile. This does not change any created masks. Parameters ---------- resolution: float Instrumental resolution R. fwhm_lim: int/float Number of FWHM to extend the wings of the convolution kernel. num_procs: Optional[int] Number of processors to use. Default = total processors - 1 """ self.transmission = resolution_convolution( wavelength=self.wl, extended_wav=self.wl, extended_flux=self.transmission, R=resolution, fwhm_lim=fwhm_lim, num_procs=num_procs, normalize=True, )
[docs]def consecutive_truths(condition: ndarray) -> ndarray: """Length of consecutive true values in an bool array. Parameters ---------- condition: ndarray of bool True False array of a condition. Returns ------- len_consecutive: ndarray of ints Array of lengths of consecutive true values of the condition. Notes ----- Solution found at """ if not np.any(condition): # No match to condition return np.array([0]) else: unequal_consec = np.concatenate( ([condition[0]], condition[:-1] != condition[1:], [True]) ) where_changes = np.where(unequal_consec)[0] # indices where condition changes len_consecutive = np.diff(where_changes)[ ::2 ] # step through every second to get the "True" lengths. return len_consecutive