Source code for eniric.utilities

"""Collection of utility functions for eniric."""
import collections
import errno
import os
from os.path import join
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as const
from numpy import ndarray

from eniric import config

# Band limits.
bands_ = {
    "VIS": (0.38, 0.78),
    "GAP": (0.78, 0.83),
    "Z": (0.83, 0.93),
    "Y": (1.0, 1.1),
    "J": (1.17, 1.33),
    "H": (1.5, 1.75),
    "K": (2.07, 2.35),
    "CONT": (0.45, 1.05),
    "NIR": (0.83, 2.35),


[docs]def band_selector(wav: ndarray, flux: ndarray, band: str) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """Select a specific wavelength band. Parameters ---------- wav: array-like Wavelength values. flux: array-like Flux values. band: str Band letter to select, upper or lower case is supported. Options are ("ALL" or ""), "VIS", "GAP", "Z", "Y", "J", "H", "K". """ band = band.upper() if band in ["ALL", ""]: return wav, flux else: band_min, band_max = band_limits(band) return wav_selector(wav, flux, band_min, band_max)
[docs]def band_limits(band: str) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Get wavelength limits of band in microns. Parameters ---------- band: str Band letter to get wavelength range for. Returns ------- wav_min: float Lower wavelength bound of band in microns wav_max: float Upper wavelength bound of band in microns """ if not isinstance(band, str): raise AttributeError("Band name must be a string") else: band = band.upper() if band in bands_: return bands_[band] else: raise ValueError("The band {0} requested is not a valid option".format(band))
[docs]def band_middle(band: str) -> float: """Calculate band mid-point. Input ----- band: str Band label Returns ------- middle: float Wavelength at middle band. """ band_min, band_max = band_limits(band) return (band_min + band_max) / 2
[docs]def wav_selector( wav: Union[ndarray, List[float]], flux: Union[ndarray, List[float]], wav_min: float, wav_max: float, ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ function that returns wavelength and flux within a giving range Parameters ---------- wav: array-like Wavelength array. flux: array-like Flux array. wav_min: float Lower bound wavelength value. wav_max: float Upper bound wavelength value. Returns ------- wav_sel: array New wavelength array within bounds wav_min, wav_max flux_sel: array New wavelength array within bounds wav_min, wav_max """ wav = np.asarray(wav, dtype=float) flux = np.asarray(flux, dtype=float) mask = mask_between(wav, wav_min, wav_max) flux_sel = flux[mask] wav_sel = wav[mask] return wav_sel, flux_sel
[docs]def mask_between(x: ndarray, xmin: float, xmax: float) -> ndarray: """Create boolean mask of x between xmin and xmax.""" return (x >= xmin) & (x < xmax)
[docs]def silent_remove(filename: str) -> None: """Remove file without failing when it doesn't exist.""" try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # errno.ENOENT = no such file or directory raise # re-raise exception if a different error occurred
[docs]def issequenceforme(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return False return isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence)
[docs]def resolutions2ints(resolution: Sequence[Any]) -> List[int]: """List of resolutions to list of integer resolutions. Convert from ["100k", "30000"] to [100000, 30000]. """ if not issequenceforme(resolution): raise TypeError( "resolution was a {} but needs to be a Sequence".format(type(resolution)) ) res_list = [] for res in resolution: res_list.append(res2int(res)) return res_list
[docs]def res2int(res: Any) -> int: """Convert from "100k" or "100000" to 100000.""" if issequenceforme(res): raise TypeError("res was a {} but needs to be a non-Sequence".format(type(res))) if isinstance(res, (, np.float, int, float)): value = res elif isinstance(res, str): if res.lower().endswith("k"): value = float(res[:-1]) * 1000 else: value = float(res) else: raise TypeError("Resolution name Type error of type {}".format(type(res))) return int(value)
[docs]def resolutions2strs(resolution: Sequence[Any]) -> List[str]: """List of resolutions to list of string resolutions. Convert from ["100000", 10000] to ["100k", "10k"]. """ if not issequenceforme(resolution): raise TypeError( "resolution was a {} but needs to be a Sequence".format(type(resolution)) ) res_list = [] for res in resolution: res_list.append(res2str(res)) return res_list
[docs]def res2str(res: Any) -> str: """Convert from "100000" or 100000 to "100k".""" if issequenceforme(res): raise TypeError( "resolution was a {} but needs to be a non-Sequence".format(type(res)) ) if isinstance(res, (, np.float)): value = res / 1000 elif isinstance(res, str): if res.lower().endswith("k"): value = res[:-1] else: value = float(res) / 1000 else: raise TypeError("Resolution name TypeError of type {}".format(type(res))) return "{0}k".format(int(value))
[docs]def rv_cumulative(rv_vector: Union[List, ndarray], single: bool = False) -> List[float]: """Function that calculates the cumulative RV vector weighted_error.""" if single: # Include 1st value for reference return [ weighted_error(rv_vector[0]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:2]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:3]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:4]), weighted_error(rv_vector), ] else: return [ weighted_error(rv_vector[:2]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:3]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:4]), weighted_error(rv_vector), ]
[docs]def rv_cumulative_full(rv_vector: Union[List, ndarray]) -> ndarray: """Function that calculates the cumulative RV vector weighted_error. In both directions.""" assert len(rv_vector) == 5, "This hardcoded solution only meant for 5 bands." cumulation = np.asarray( [ weighted_error(rv_vector[0]), # First weighted_error(rv_vector[:2]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:3]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:4]), weighted_error(rv_vector[:]), # All weighted_error(rv_vector[1:]), weighted_error(rv_vector[2:]), weighted_error(rv_vector[3:]), weighted_error(rv_vector[4]), # Last ], dtype=float, ) return cumulation
[docs]def weighted_error(rv_vector: Union[List[float], ndarray]) -> float: """Function that calculates the average weighted error from a vector of errors.""" rv_vector = np.asarray(rv_vector) rv_value = 1.0 / (np.sqrt(np.sum((1.0 / rv_vector) ** 2.0))) return rv_value
[docs]def moving_average(x: ndarray, window_size: Union[int, float]) -> ndarray: """Moving average.""" window = np.ones(int(window_size)) / float(window_size) return np.convolve(x, window, "same")
[docs]def load_aces_spectrum( params: Union[ndarray, List[float]], photons: bool = True, air: bool = False, wl_range: Union[List[float], Tuple[float, float]] = (3000, 54000), ): """Load a Phoenix spectrum from the phoenix library using STARFISH. Parameters ---------- params: ndarray [temp, logg, metallicity(, alpha)] photons: bool Necessary conversions into photons for precisions. air: bool Convert to air wavelengths (default = False). wl_range: (float, float) Min/Max wavelength range to load. Default = (3000, 54000) Angstrom. Returns ------- wav_micron: ndarray Wavelength in microns flux_micron: ndarray Photon counts per (cm**2 s) or SED/micron (within a multiplicative constant 1/(h*c)). Spectra available from """ base = join(config.pathdir, config.paths["phoenix_raw"], "") if len(params) == 3: # Only 3 parameters given params = [params[0], params[1], params[2], 0] # Set alpha=0 if len(params) == 4: from Starfish.grid_tools import PHOENIXGridInterface as PHOENIX phoenix_grid = PHOENIX(base=base, air=air, wl_range=wl_range) else: raise ValueError("Number of parameters is incorrect") wav = phoenix_grid.wl flux = phoenix_grid.load_flux(params, norm=False) # Convert wavelength Angstrom to micron wav_micron = wav * 10 ** -4 # Convert SED from /cm to /micron flux_micron = flux * 10 ** -4 if photons: # Convert to photons # The energy units of Phoenix fits files is erg/s/cm**2/cm # PHOENIX ACES gives the Spectral Energy Density (SED) # We transform the SED into photons by # multiplying the flux by the wavelength (lambda) # # Flux_photon = Flux_energy/Energy_photon # with # Energy_photon = h*c/lambda # Flux_photon = Flux_energy * lambda / (h * c) flux_micron = flux_micron * wav_micron return wav_micron, flux_micron
[docs]def load_btsettl_spectrum( params: Union[ndarray, List[float]], photons: bool = True, air: bool = False, wl_range: Union[List[float], Tuple[float, float]] = (3000, 30000), ): """Load a BT-Settl spectrum from the CIFIST2011 library using STARFISH. Parameters ---------- params: ndarray [temp, logg]. Metallicity = 0, alpha = 0 photons: bool Necessary conversions into photons for precisions. air: bool Convert to air wavelengths (default = False). wl_range: (float, float) Min/Max wavelength range to load. Default = (3000, 30000) Angstrom. Returns ------- wav_micron: ndarray Wavelength in microns flux_micron: ndarray Photon counts per (cm**2 s) or SED/micron. (within a multiplicative constant 1/(h*c)) Notes ----- From BT-SETTL readme: CIFIST2011_2015: published version of the BT-Settl grid (Baraffe et al. 2015, Allard et al. 2015. This grid will be the most complete of the CIFIST2011 grids above, but currently: Teff = 1200 - 7000K, logg = 2.5 - 5.5, [M/H] = 0.0. Available from The BT-Settl models are Sampled at a higher rate than PHOENIX-ACES (>10 X). Therefore we cut it by factor of 10 during loading to give them similar number of points. This makes the convolutions go 10X faster. """ from Starfish.grid_tools import CIFISTGridInterface as BTSETTL if (2 < len(params)) and (len(params) <= 4): assert params[2] == 0 assert params[-1] == 0 # Checks index 3 when present. params = params[0:2] # Only allow 2 params base = join(config.pathdir, config.paths["btsettl_raw"], "") btsettl_grid = BTSETTL(base=base, air=air, wl_range=wl_range) wav = btsettl_grid.wl # CIFIST flux is W/m**2/um flux = btsettl_grid.load_flux(params, norm=False) # [::10] down samples only every 10th point from BT-Settl CIFIST spectrum. wav, flux = wav[::10], flux[::10] # Convert wavelength from Angstrom to micron wav_micron = wav * 10 ** -4 flux_micron = flux * 10 ** -7 # Convert W/m**2/um to ergs/s/m**2/um) flux_micron *= 10 ** -4 # Convert 1/m**2 to 1/cm**2 if photons: # Convert to photon counts: # The energy units of CIFIST fits files is W/m**2/um # We have converted it to ergs/(s cm**2 um) # BT-Settl gives the Spectral Energy Density (SED) # We transform the SED into photons by # multiplying the flux by the wavelength (lambda) # # Flux_photon = Flux_energy/Energy_photon # with # Energy_photon = h*c/lambda # Flux_photon = Flux_energy * lambda / (h * c) flux_micron = flux_micron * wav_micron return wav_micron, flux_micron
[docs]def doppler_shift_wav(wavelength: ndarray, vel: float): r"""Doppler shift wavelength by a given velocity (non-relativistic). Apply Doppler shift to the wavelength values of the spectrum using the velocity value provided and the relation \(\Delta\lambda / \lambda = v / c\) Parameters ---------- wavelength: ndarray Wavelength vector vel: float Velocity to Doppler shift by in km/s. Notes ----- The Doppler shift is calculated using the relation \[ \Delta\lambda / \lambda = v / c \] Where RV is the radial velocity (in km/s), \(\lambda_0\)` is the rest wavelength and \(\Delta\lambda\) is the wavelength shift, \(\lambda_{shift} - \lambda_0\) """ if not np.isfinite(vel): ValueError("The velocity is not finite.") shifted_wavelength = wavelength * (1 + (vel /"km/s").value)) return shifted_wavelength
[docs]def doppler_shift_flux( wavelength: ndarray, flux: ndarray, vel: float, new_wav: Optional[ndarray] = None ): r"""Doppler shift flux by a given velocity, return it at the original wavelengths (non-relativistic). Apply Doppler shift to the wavelength values of the spectrum using the velocity value provided and the relation \(\Delta\lambda / \lambda = v / c\) Then linearly interpolate the flux with the new wavelength to the old wavelengths. Parameters ---------- wavelength: ndarray Wavelength vector flux: ndarray Flux vector vel: float Velocity to Doppler shift by in km/s. new_wav: Optional[ndarray] New wavelength array to evaluate the doppler shifted flux at. If None then defaults to new_wav=wavelength. Returns ------- new_flux: ndarray Doppler-shifted flux evaluated at new_wav. """ shifted_wavelength = doppler_shift_wav(wavelength, vel) if new_wav is None: new_wav = wavelength new_flux = np.interp(new_wav, shifted_wavelength, flux) return new_flux
[docs]def doppler_limits(rvmax, wmin, wmax): """Calculate wavelength limits to apply if preforming doppler shift. To avoid any edge effects within wmin and wmax after doppler shift. Parameters ---------- rvmax: float Maximium absolute RV offset in km/s. Uses np.abs() to constrain as absolute. wmin: float Lower wavelength limit. wmax: float Upper wavelength limit. Returns ------- new_wmin: float Lower wavelength bound shifted by -rvmax new_wmax: float Lower wavelength bound shifted by +rvmax """ c_km ="km/s").value # c in km/s doppler_minus, doppler_plus = (1 - np.abs(rvmax) / c_km), (1 + np.abs(rvmax) / c_km) return wmin * doppler_minus, wmax * doppler_plus
[docs]def cpu_minus_one() -> int: """Get one less than number of CPUs available. Returns ------- num_cpu_minus_1: int One less than number of CPUs, or one. """ num_cpu: Optional[int] = os.cpu_count() num_cpu_minus_1: int if (num_cpu is None) or (num_cpu == 1): num_cpu_minus_1 = 1 else: num_cpu_minus_1 = num_cpu - 1 return num_cpu_minus_1